Found at the hotel

Do you check your room before leaving the hotel?  Our guests forget something in the rooms on a regular basis. We asked our Front Office Managers which 5 items have been forgotten most frequently and what the most special item is that has been found at the hotel.

How will you update your followers?

All our hotels agree that the number 1 item they find is a telephone charger. Most of the times housekeeping will find chargers still in the wall socket.

Our tip: when you remove your phone from its charger put your charger in your bag.

Did you go commando?

In second place we have clothes and shoes. These items are usually found in the closets, but also on the heaters. The clothing item that has been found the most? That would be (worn) underpants.

Our tip: doublecheck the closet and heater before you leave.

Can you see me?

Reading a chapter before going to sleep and afterwards putting your glasses on the nightstand. This ritual seems quite common to a lot of people. Forgetting the glasses the day after is almost just as common.

Our tip: check the nightstand and the floor around the nightstand before you leave.

Mirror, mirror on the wall

At our hotels, we offer you a selection of soaps and other toiletries, but a lot of people want to use their own stuff. Shower gel in the shower, toothbrush and toothpaste at the sink and make-up at the mirror. Because these items are scattered across the bathroom people quite often forget some of them.

Our tip: when you go to the bathroom for the last time, check the different spots before you turn off the light.

Bling, bling

When women return from a night on the town they usually kick off their pumps and remove their heavy jewellery. At home, you usually put them in the same spot, but in a hotel, they are usually placed at a random location. That’s probably why we find a lot of jewellery in our hotels. Luckily they usually find their way back to their owner.

Our tip: put your jewellery in a place where you will see them or put them in your purse when you take them off.

What did they find?

Those are the most common items people forget in our hotels. Sometimes we find items that are a bit more uncommon. In Amsterdam, there are three things that they still remember finding: a wig, a diary and some special dolls in a bed. Those gave housekeeping a bit of a scare.

In Rotterdam, the items that were a bit uncommon were an envelope filled with cash and a bag filled with adult toys.

In Zaandam, it’s the stuffed animals that they got to reunite with their owners. Off course these beloved family members receive the VIP-treatment so they have a lot to tell their parent when they reunite. In 2015 our VIP-treatment even got international press coverage!

These are our Lost & Found at the hotel stories. Have you ever forgotten something at a hotel?

You’ll be surprised!