The best sauna visit - The Innsider - Inntel Hotels

The best sauna visit

It’s very important to relax and what better way to relax than with a sauna visit? We love to help you plan the best sauna visit. Whether it’s your first time or if you’re a frequent visitor we hope this article will give you a fresh insight.

Inner peace

For full relaxation you have to start internally. An empty stomach won’t help you relax, but when you had to much to eat a sauna visit can make you feel sick. Therefore have a light meal before your sauna visit. Preferably a piece of fruit. Hydration is also very important so make sure you drink some water.

Before you enter the sauna

Remember to remove all your jewelry and to put them away safely. Jewelry tends to get very hot in a sauna and can cause burns.

Before you enter the sauna make sure to visit the restroom. Nothing worse than having to return to the dressing room while your busy relaxing. Proceed to the showers and wash away all body milk and make-up. These products might clog your pores or it might run down your face and into your eyes. It’s advised to scrub so all your pores are completely open.

Make sure you have a nice big towel to sit or lay on. Dry yourself off thoroughly and step into the sauna.

In the sauna

For your skin it’s best to wear only your birthday suit in the sauna. What’s also very important is to listen to your body. Don’t get up too fast to prevent dizziness and get out as soon as you start to feel queasy. If it’s your first visit to a sauna start at the bottom bench, because the higher you are the hotter it is.

After 8 to 15 minutes get out and take a cold shower. Make sure to relax outside the cabin for as long as you were inside. Have some water and you’re ready to get inside again.

After exiting the sauna

Have another shower, but don’t put on any lotion or your pores will clog. Enjoy a light meal and a smoothie. Don’t you feel reborn?

Do you feel up to the best sauna visit now? Plan your next moment of relaxation.

You’ll be surprised!